Proxmox is a great starting point for self hosting. You don’t need advanced features to start, and you can easily create VMs and containers.
Proxmox is a great starting point for self hosting. You don’t need advanced features to start, and you can easily create VMs and containers.
Here is a bunch of random tips to become more comfortable with the terminal.
Do absolutely everything that you can on the terminal.
When you install something, enable the verbose if possible and snoop around the logs to see what is happening.
If an app or an install fails, look at the logs to see what is the issue, and try to fix it by actually resolving the error itself first instead of finding the commands on the internet to fix your issue.
Instead of googling for your command options, use the help menu from the application and try to figure out how to use the command from there.
Yeah that was the issue. I though I had switched to my LTE network connection from my phone, but my phone was still on my local network.
Thanks for the answer
You are right and I should have been more precise.
I understand why docker was created and became popular because it abstracts a lot of the setup and make deployment a lot easier.
I hate how docker made it so that a lot of projects only have docker as the official way to install the software.
This is my tinfoil opinion, but to me, docker seems to enable the “phone-ification” ( for a lack of better term) of softwares. The upside is that it is more accessible to spin services on a home server. The downside is that we are losing the knowledge of how the different parts of the software work together.
I really like the Turnkey Linux projects. It’s like the best of both worlds. You deploy a container and a script setups the container for you, but after that, you have the full control over the software like when you install the binaries
I edited the post. Since it’s all local it’s fine to show the IP. It’s just a reflex to hide my ips.
I use IP directly as I don’t have a local domain configured properly.
The outpost ip in my configuration file is the same provided in the outpost on Authentik.
I am trying to get it to work still, but I am pretty sure that the issue is between Authentik and Firefly.
I don’t see any of the headers (x-authentik-email more specifically) specified in the caddy file when Authentik is sending the request to Firefly. The only header I see is x-authentik-auth-callback.
I am not sure how I can specify which headers are sent in Authentik.
Thanks for the suggestion
I am open to paid SMTP service if you have any suggestion. I was not planning on running my own instance.
Otherwise, what would be my options to have a functional SMTP server for Authelia?
Unless you are at the edge of the firmware and software, this isn’t something you work with a lot.
When you transfer files or data to a memory space, you can’t drop the whole file/data to memory directly because the resources are limited on the cpu/mcu. It wouldn’t make sense to have a page as big as your biggest theorical data size.
Page size determine how much data at a time can be transferred into memory.
In term of performance, writing the page to memory is usually the bottle neck. So 4k vs 64k means you need to write to memory 16 times more and thus making the performance better on 64k page size.
You got some serious reading comprehension issues. I am talking about you.
“akchually, there wasn’t enough racist comments”. One racist comment is too much.
That VC money was the start of the end. No reassurance can be trusted the moment a company accepts VC funding. It’s only a matter of time until Bitwarden makes their next enshittification move.
This is my grandpa time, but I love Cinnamon for the less modern UI.
The new UI won’t bother me a cent, but I really disliked KDE for no apparent reason, and Cinnamon hit right what I like about a UI.
I understand that a lot of things can be customized, but I am talking about OoB experience.
I split my docker containers so that I can selectively backup what I want easily on proxmox
For example, I am currently running an Abiotic Factor server that I don’t care to backup. So I just dont add the container to the backups and I am done.