Since you seem happy : Any recommendations for VPS provider ?
Since you seem happy : Any recommendations for VPS provider ?
it’s easy to use, pretty damn reliable
Unfortunately not when you’re self hosting… Can’t rely on it when you’re supposed to receive an email (account validation, reset password email,…) which never arrives and you’re stuck clicking on « resend the email » on the website with no hope…
For 280GB on Glacier : around 1 USD each month For 400GB of hot storage on OVH public cloud : around 5 EUR per month.
In my process I have to sort pictures and video before sending them to cold storage because I don’t want to cold-store all the failed footages, obviously I have some delay here. That is something I usually do during the long winter evenings 😊
I have all my photos on my NAS whith backups to OVH storage for recent data and AWS glacier for folders of pictures older than two years. I can afford to lose all my ISOs but not all the pictures of my child. Never tried to recover data from AWS glacier but I trust them.
Why the hate ? I pay less than 100 € per year for the subscription which is like 3 coffees per months and I have the basic plan with LR Classic, Photoshop, 20GB of online storage which is good to let me edit the shootings on my phone during the daily commute to work. Frequent updates and new features. It’s really worth the value. Even if their previous business model with perpetual licenses was better.