Using KDE configured like GNOME.
KNOME, if you will.
Using KDE configured like GNOME.
KNOME, if you will.
Have you tried recently?
You used to either have to install them manually, or enable the nVidia repo.
But I reinstalled Tumbleweed a few months ago and it auto-detected and added the repo for me and everything. I didn’t even have to disable nouveau first or anything like that, if I recall correctly.
This is the year of Firefox-on-the-desktop. I can feel it.
WinAmp owners
I’m a visual person so I need to put a face to these windowlickers to laugh at in my head.
Is it this guy?
Maybe a tooling manager like mise or asdf.
snow crash, which talks about the decentralization of the internet from a fictional and futuristic story
I don’t remember it prominently featuring a plotline like that. That was the one with\
the nam shub or whatever? And hacking people’s brain’s with, basically, NLP?
Well if that counts, then Neuromancer by William Gibson fits in that it’s about\
removing DRM (“Turing Locks”) from AI—legit AI too, not the hallucinating parlor tricks of today. ::: 😏
Are you ok
I read this in George McFly’s voice, unoe?
There’s something very appropriate about you using all those (system) tools during an anthropology lecture.
GNOME’s minimalist so not sure what else to show. Technically, I shouldn’t have icons on the desktop I guess.
I have the overview (forget the actual name) on super, which is similar to GNOME’s. And also have the virtual desktops set up to horizontal only with some similar keyboard-based shortcuts for switching.
I wanted to try the “one application per desktop” paradigm, which I did and didn’t really like it, so I went back to regular alt-tabbing + overview switching but left the layout alone.