Some people just prefer living in the past
Some people just prefer living in the past
Throwing money at a problem works, next time try to know what you’re doing
Eyy, a web api! You could’ve just said that right away. There’s more than just web api’s.
How is this web api relevant in your choice of hardware to locally run these models?
No, just calling your bluff. git gud m8
Anyways, the important thing is the “TOPS” aka trillions of operations per second. Having enough ram in important, but if you don’t have a fast processor than you’re wasting ram while you can just stream it from a fast ssd.
One such cases is when your system can’t handle more than 50 tops, like the apple m systems. Try an old gpu, and enjoy 1000’s of tops
Application Programming Interface, are you talking about something on the internet? On a gpu driver? On your phone?
Then also, what’s the size model you’re using? Define with int32? fp4? Somewhere in between? That’s where ram requirements come in
I get that you’re trying to do a mic drop or something, but you’re not being very clear
Again, you’d be waiting around all day
Good point!
Then don’t go with an Apple chip. They’re impressive for how little power they consume. But any 50 watt chip will get absolutely destroyed by a 500 watt gpu, even one from almost a decade ago will beat it.
And you’ll save money to boot, if you don’t count your power bill
If you enjoy waiting around, sure
And then have them all fail within week of each other, under a couple months. They’re garbage, get something decent like a Toshiba or something
Going seagate is a great way to save cash and lose data
You close the tab, and block the domain completely
It only takes a single example of a project that presented a clear goal to prove you wrong.
haveibeenpwdn duckduckgo google photobucket email dropbox twitch kickstarter
However… plebbit is just garbage, and it’s obvious
Eyy, someone who actually reads! Last time a post like this popped up it was like arguing with someone who was just reading of a list of “top 10 most popular buzzwords”
Rotten to the core
Nah, people need to know to stay away from this
This again? Stop marketing your shitty crypto scam infused lemmy rippoff
Hmm, it is a bit halfway there. Glad to see user data being separated though
I just turn it on in the bios. And on windows, disable fast startup