So if you’re planning to have the kid play on Switch or something like that, it’s not going to work.
You can run Geyser (a modified Minecraft server) to let bedrock clients play on your Java server.
So if you’re planning to have the kid play on Switch or something like that, it’s not going to work.
You can run Geyser (a modified Minecraft server) to let bedrock clients play on your Java server.
I have a lifetime Plex pass but am still annoyed at having to deal with “recommended” every time a device is setup or reset.
The recommended view is useless and there is no way to make library the default view. You have to reset every source. It makes it incredibly annoying helping my family remotely to get to family videos.
The problem is the kvm isn’t emulating edid. It’s a horrible problem that shouldn’t exist. It makes most kvms useless. It’s not mentioned in reviews that most kvms sold don’t actually work.
Look for a kvm that supports edid emulation and does it with the resolution/refresh that you need ( for example DP 1.4)
The first Linux I used wasn’t part of any distro. A few years later I compiled Slackware to run bind and Sendmail.
Last year I tried Arch in a VM. I got to where it expected me to know what partitions to create for root and swap and noped out. It’s not 1996. I don’t have time for those details any more. No one should. Sane defaults have been in other distros for decades.
No, full models are not loaded into each GPU to improve the tokens per second.
The full Gpt 3 needs around 640GB of vram to store the weights. There is no single GPU (ai processor like a100) with 640 GB of vram. The model is split across multiple gpus (AI processers).
You can. But I don’t think it will help because the igpu is so slow.
More gpus do improve performance:
All large AI systems are built of multiple “gpus” (AI processers like Blackwell ). Really large AI models are run on a cluster of individual servers connected by 800 GB/s network interfaces.
However igpus are so slow that it wouldn’t offer significant performance improvement.
A “more” button after the one liner would be very nice. Or make the one-liner a link that gives a longer description.
Thanks for the work. I’ve bookmarked it!
You are wrong that he should immediately change his app name.
This is a letter from an attorney. It means nothing. It’s legally the same as if I got my buddy to walk up to you and say, “Hey, my friend thinks you have his car. Give us your keys.”
The letter is from a lawyer, not a court. It can be ignored. However I suggest sending a registered letter back to the lawyer to waste their time.
They will not spend the $20,000+ needed to go to trial. (That’s only the court costs that must be paid. Full lawyer fees will be higher) I know this because I once had to sue a contractor. Court fees would have been larger than any money I would have gotten back. Fortunately it was handled through state licensing.
The letter should reference that your project is using the English word that describes the function.
I went through this decades ago because my Internet company name closely matched an extremely large computer manufacturer. I got a letter from an attorney. I wrote a letter back that my company name was the English word for the equipment used for Internet service. That was the end of it.
Around every 6 years.
My methodology is to look at BackBlaze, throw out any data with less than 100k hours, and pick the drive with the lowest AFR (annualized failure rate).
It’s maybe $50-$100 between the cheapest and best enterprise drive and I’m not buying 1,000 drives so I do not care about price.
Is the linuxsucks community leaking?
Because the meme blames Intel.
Imagine if I did a meme that blamed AMD for only supporting DDR4 because my motherboard only did DDR4 despite all AMD 7000 and newer supporting DDR4 or DDR5…
Oh sure. But as I said, that’s the motherboard’s fault, not the cpu.
PAE was introduced with the Pentium Pro 30 years ago. I used it on Dell Pentium II servers that ran SQL Server. Even the 386 from 1985 could access 64 terabytes of ram using segmented mode.
Full 64 bit Prescott P4 was 2004.
The Pentium 4 supported PAE and 36 bit PSE
It’s kind of like how the 8086 was a 16 bit processor but could access 1 megabyte of ram (640k ram 384 k reserved for rom) . -Or the 286 which was 16 bit but could access 24 MB.
But even without that the Prescott P4’s supported 64 bits.
Maybe. But it would need to be an Atom from 15 years ago. Anything newer does 32 GB.
Of course motherboards don’t support it but that’s not the cpu’s fault.
This same Bazzite discussion came up last week. I claimed I hadn’t heard so much marketing bullshit since when everything was called Object Orientated.
There’s nothing cloud about it. It’s a bad marketing term.
With the current Minecraft monthly updates, paper is always behind on the latest features. There are also minor problems that paper introduces with its performance improvements.
Years ago paper was critical for a good Minecraft experience, but a newer PC (newer than 6 years old) runs great on vanilla.