Yo [he/him]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • As I said, the truth is I rushed it, I had upgraded to testing from stable and then tried to upgrade to sid, but it was a reciepe for disaster, lol.

    Either way, I saw the dependency chaos happening, I was kinda uncertain which package was safe to upgrade (I had installed a debian package to mention buggy apps, but it confused me even more) or if the if any dependencies would change and cause a mess.

    I then found nixos with its declarative nature which I found much less confusing and harder to break, so I spent around 4months testing it and then made the transition (this was the first time I was seriously considering transitioning to linux and I took my time to do it thoughtfully)😅

  • It’s kinda how I ended up with nixos

    Wanted a stable and cool system, so went with debian stable.

    But stable was outdated for my taste, so I went to testing.

    But testing had missing packets, so I tried to update to unstable, though I did it badly and crashed my system.

    After resinstalling testing, I tried to make a semi-failed script to autodownload/update apps outside the debian repo, but I found out that nixos essentially did this, in fact much better. And I accidentally deleted my /usr/bin/ dir with that script, so I eventually went with nixos unstable:)

  • I’d suggest Stirling PDF, just get the Stirling-PDF.jar file from the releases. It does really lots of stuff (though I had some issues with creating pdfs with multiple pages per page). It open a port for the service to run locally and once you close it, it also closes the port.

    I also use libre office draw (or firefox printing menu) to create pdfs with multiple pages per page.

    There’s also xournal as some other people have mention that has some editing capabilities.