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Upgrade yourself to a lifetime Jellyfin subscription today!
$0 - 1 month
$0 - 12 months
$0 - Lifetime < BEST VALUE
Jellyfin seems solid.
The only issues I’ve had are with dodgy media files. Obviously better player hardware gets you better performance, but transcoding eliminates some of those issues.
I do split tunnelling, so only the torrent stuff goes through the VPN.
You can use this to test your IP while torrenting.
At least until MS muddied the waters with “hibernate”.
Which doesn’t sound like much, but if you have applications designed for 1024x768 (which was pretty much the standard PC resolution for years) then at least it would fit on the screen.
I use an Nvidia shield pro.
Certainly handles Jellyfin and Moonlight (for gaming, I could never get Steam Link working smoothly).
I assume there’s a YouTube client you can drop on it but I don’t use YouTube for much because I can’t stand YouTubers.
I do have a double set with original (or as much as you could get) along with the post-prequels completely broken one. I think there was a pre-prequels version as well. But then that is DVD quality, which is getting on a bit.
The likes of Disney+ doesn’t even acknowledge the originals even exist.
Same with their Alien and Aliens versions as well. No director’s cuts at all, which is a shame as I far prefer them. They should have both.
They were course and rough and irritating and got everywhere.
The only way to watch the original Star Wars movies before George completely fucked with them is piracy.
The 4K77, 80 and 83 editions are what you’re after. Enjoy. There are apparently reduced noise versions as well, but I thought it was perfect as is. It’s old. It’s supposed to have noise and grain. The desert scenes in the first one are really noisy and I’m not 100% sure why. Maybe he filmed those on cheaper film stock in smaller cameras, but that’s just a guess.
It still works for now, but it would be neat if only the uploading part needed to go through a VPN since that’s the bit you can get in trouble for.
Would need a way of obfuscating the uploaders and downloaders though.