2 months ago-
Yes, portainer will see every container you make, regardless of how it was created.
No, creating a docker container doesn’t make a compose file. It’s like cooking a meal doesn’t output a recipe.
You can save the compose file(s) wherever you want, you just need to run “docker compose up” from that directory. If you make the container within portainer, I believe it stores the compose files in its own volume. Not sure about that, I keep my compose file separate from portainer for most services.
The thing with Debian distros (like Ubuntu, Mint, PopOS) is that they’re extremely stable releases. This does not necessarily mean everything “just works”, but rather that they will not experience major code changes that could disrupt a working system. This means that if some apps don’t work out of the box, that state is going to be pretty much the same in any distro based on the same Debian version.
A more “agile” distro might be less stable, but as a result could see some updates to apps that Debian is still lagging behind on. Fedora is probably the “next step” in this direction: it’s still reliable but gets updates more frequently than Debian (it’s sort of a “proving ground” for code before it gets pulled into Red Hat, which is a distro focused on long-term stability).
As for desktop environments: I’ve always thought GNOME was the most Mac-like DE, but KDE has enough configuration options that you can kind of turn it into anything you want. Since this is on a very old laptop, you might consider LXDE, which isn’t the prettiest DE, but it’s super lightweight and might let you squeeze out a bit more performance if you’re wasting a lot of compute power just rendering the desktop.