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Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • It doesn’t mean they are pushing flatpaks, but rather for whatever reason they decided to package their own flatpaks.

    Flatpak can support different repos, so of course fedora can host its own. The strange bit is why bother repackaging and hosting software that is already packaged by the project itself on flathub?

    One argument might me the security risk of poorly packaged flatpaks relying on eol of dependencies. Fedora may feel it is better to have a version that it packages in line with what it packages in its own repos?

    I have some sympathy for that position. But it makes sense that it is annoying OBS when it is causing confusion if its a broken or poorly built repackags, and worse it sounds like things got very petty fast. I think OBS’s request that fedora flag this up as being different from the flathub version wasn’t unreasonable - but not sure what went down for it to get to thepoint of threatening legal action under misuse of the branding.

    Fedora probably should make it clearer to its users what the Fedora Flatpak repo is for.

  • For your second question, a window manager is the specific system that controls the placement of windows on an X11 desktop.

    On a X11 based system, X11 is the windowing system (interacting with the video card) and a window manager is a system sitting on top of that laying out the windows and interacting with the user and other programmes. It is a separate programme on top of the X11 system, and communicates with X11, and X11 is the programme that communicates with the graphics card.

    On Wayland, instead of 2 separate systems there can be 1 combined windowing systen that is both the window manager but also directly communicates with the hardware in a standardised way using the Wayland protocols. This is called a Wayland compositor.

    Meanwhile a desktop environment is the whole desktop - that includes a window manager or compositor but also lots of other tools and software that together make a full desktop experience.

    An example is KDE - KDE is a full desktop environment. It uses its own x11 window manger called kwin (and also able to be a wayland compositor), but it also uses a whole range of other tools alongside that to give you panels, widgets, desktop icons, a clock, menus, settings etc collectively forming Plasma desktop. And then on top of Plasma there is a whole range of bespoke programmes that form the full deskop experience - like Dolphin (file manager), Kate (text editor) and so on. All that software is designed to work seamlessly with the KDE family of tools and systems. The window manager, the desktop tools and the other programmes together form the whole desktop environment. But other desktop environments software will also work - for example Gnome based software can also run with KDE without issue and vice versa.

    Gnome has its own window manager/compositor, and it’s own widgets and tools to make a desktop, and it’s own bespoke software to make a whole desktop environment.

    And there are many others.

    So in summary:

    • Window Manager - the specific system that controls the placment and look of the individual windows talking to X11 which then talks to the hardware

    • Wayland Compositor - the system that controls the placement and look of windows, using wayland protocols to speak to the hardware

    • Desktop Environment - the whole desktop including the Window manager but also lots of other programmes and tools that form the basic desktop (such as a panel, menus, desktop icons) and the whole environment (other software like a file manager, text editor, calculator etc). KDE and Gnome are examples of popular desktop environments

  • KDE config files can be changed on the command line using:


    And viewed using


    Power management is in:




    You can feed changes to the file via kwriteconfig via the command line OR create a duplicate file with different settings and use rename commands in a script file to switch back and forth.

    E.g. rename the file to “powermanagementprofilesrc.backup” and create and rename a custom file with the settings you want like “powermanagmentprofilesrc.one” to “powermanagementprofilesrc”. Rename them back and forth via a bash script to switch “profiles”

    To apply changes you’d need to then run qdbus:

    qdbus org.freedesktop.powermanagement /org/kde/Solid/PowerManagement org.kde.Solid.PowerManagement.reparseConfiguration

    And then to load the new config in your current session:

    qdbus org.freedesktop.powermanagement /org/kde/Solid/PowerManagement org.kde.Solid.PowerManagement.refreshStatus

    So either use kwriteconfig and qdbus in a script OR make duplicate config files and a bash script to copy or rename the configs as needed plus qdbus to apply the changes to the current session.

    There may be a much simpler way of switching profiles already actually defined within the exisiting config files (e.g. battery saver vs performance) using qdbus but I’m not sure how to do that myself. Possibly using:


    EDIT2: Sorry this is a very long post! Just to say if you’re new to linux and want to understand a bit: qdbus is a tool for QT based applications (including almost all of KDE which is build in QT) to interact with DBUS which is basically the messaging system in linux between processes.

    So when you run qdbus on it’s own you’ll see a tree of processes that are interacting with QT processes. Then if you run qdbus & the name of a process like “org.freedesktop.powermanagement” you’ll see what QT processes are running with/under it. Then if you run dqbus and add that connected process like “/org/kde/Solid/PowerManagement” you can see what strings and options are available. Then you can run qdbus to see more detail or change a setting/string.

    Hope that make sense!

  • BananaTrifleViolin@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlframework 13 AMD... yay or nay?
    1 month ago

    I have a linux desktop with dual 4K screens and I don’t have problems with high DPI? The only problems I’ve come across is with Wine which is easly fixed within the winecfg.

    I’m on OpenSuSE, using KDE in X11. I DID have scaling problems with Wayland which I avoid until it is fit for daily use.

    Of course 4k is 4 times 1080p (or twice in X and Y dimensions) so maybe it’s much easier to scale to? 2K on the Framework is an odd resolution so maybe scaling would be more troublesome? 1080p to 1440p would be 1.3x scaling.

  • You can read NTFS drives; I still have shared drives from my Windows install despite barely using Windows at all.

    You can generally import steam libraries, and then steam can do the proton work.

    And you can sometimes run other programmes in Linux from the windows install - i.e. it can have it’s own Wine prefix in Linux and use the installed files on the NTFS. But this doesn’t always work - if the programme’s or game’s installer makes significant system changes or installs other software then they won’t exist in the Wine prefix and the game may not work. It’s better to install windows games fresh so everything is installed into the wine prefix.

    And Lutris is well set up with scripts for installing a wide range of games from their installers; it will avoid problems reinstalling games fresh.

  • My advice having made the move (but with a fair bit of linux tinkering before hand):

    • Don’t rush to delete Windows; you’re doing the right thing keeping it about while you adjust to a new OS and in case there are some things you just can’t do in Linux
    • If you want to understand your OS and enjoy tinkering / learning, think about using a virtual machine to play with a linux system to get used to it. As you’re on Fedora, you can install KVM and Virt-Manager, make a virtual machine and inside it install another Linux OS which you can practice with. It can even be Fedora - and this can let you make changes in a disposable environment before you do them for real in your whole OS or just to see “what happens if”. I’ve even built an Arch system within a VM just so I can understand more of how linux works
    • Back up your home folder before making really big changes - this is where everything that belongs to you is kept, and even contains all your personal config files. Back up and restoring the Home folder can make things much faster to fix if you accidentally mess things up

  • Depends on what distro you’re on? You say the deb version is 4.0 and flatpak is 5.0, suggesting you may be on a long release distro?

    I’d favour the Deb version as it’s official for your distro. The flatpak version is unverified; it’s extremely unlikely Virt-Manager is compromised or will cause any issues but virtual machines do have security risks.

    Also problem solving issues with the flatpak version may be more difficult as you have a whole layer potential issues in the sandbox on top of all the other issues people can have around KVM/QEMU. But you could install it, if it works great, if not, revert to the Deb version.

  • Sorry I originally posted around permissions as I misunderstood; deleted that. The solution is below:

    If it’s a user installed flatpak you should find the config files in:


    Edit the document for the flatseal app. Thats where flatseal or the flatpak override tool makes it’s config changes for user installed flatpaks (including env overrides). You can also delete the flatseal file (which will be the name of the flatpak - com.github.tchx84.Flatseal) "to set back to default.

    There will only be a few files - files are only created when there are overrides set. Anything running default permissions/config won’t have an override file.

    EDIT: For completeness, for System wide flatpaks all the files are in:


    Just to explain why they’re stored there: you’re trying to change the config of the sandbox itself not the app. Flatpak manages the sandbox and it is flatpak that needs to know what permission an app should have. Any files in “~/.var/app/…” pertain to the app itself inside it’s sandbox.

  • I’d say it’s normal, but also normal to not distoe hop - everyone has their own preferences and Linux gives people the freedom to do what they want.

    I have wiped my distro before just because I felt I’d let it bloat. I like tinkering and installing all sorts of random packages a long the way but am not good at cleaning up. I stayed with the same Distro - OpenSuSE.

    But before OpenSuSE I used to use Mint. I liked Mint but I managed to break the updates in a minor but annoying way with a customisation I did on one version prior to an a major system update. When I decided to fix the problem I decided to distro hop.

    I also have a HTPC and I just reinstalled my distro this week - I did this to wipe Win11 off the device which had been pre installed and I kept when I installed Linux “just in case”. I haven’t used it once and it was taking up half the hard drive. So I figured I’d back up my home folder, wipe the computer and reinstall Nobara and then restore my home folder. Worked like a charm, and I was back up and running in about 30mins.

    It also gave me a new appreciation for User level Flatpaks, much of my software was already there, installed and ready to use. I did even consider distro hopping again but Nobara has worked well in my HTPC.

    So yes, Distro hopping is normal, reinstalling on a whim is normal, and staying with a distro and just letting it update for years is also normal.

  • Why does it matter? All that matters is that plenty of people do use Linux - literally millions of people. There is a healthy vibrant ecosystem of distros, and devs working on Linux.

    I don’t care if people aren’t interested in Linux. I’m much more interested in ensuring those people who choose Linux are happy because that is good for all.of us.

    And the best thing anyone can do is donate to the projects they care about. That helps projects fund development and support. It’s much more useful than trying to convince people to try Linux when they have no real interest in it.

  • KDE doesn’t control what packages are released on a distro? That’s Aurora that chooses not to have point releaes version, and instead seems to have a rolling release from your description.

    Bluefin GTS is based on Fedora 40 while Bluefin is based on Fedora 41. Fedora doesn’t do rolling release outside it’s Rawhide rolling dev branch. It does point releases and bug fixes.

    There are plenty of KDE based distros that are also point release and not rolling release if that’s your preference. I’d also recommend feeding back to Aurora if you think they should alter there KDE release schedule; they chose when to feed KDE releases into their distro.

  • BananaTrifleViolin@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlAudio/Mic Help
    2 months ago

    You have so many options because your system has a lot of audio output options available. Presumably your mother board or your graphics card display outputs given the “Navi” label.

    As others have said, from that section of the settings you should be able to click on the “proaudio” drop downs on the right and disable any you don’t want to see.

    The Navi outputs are the audio available via your hdmi and display ports - you may want to keep those on if you ever want audio from the screens directly but if you don’t ever use audio from your displays you can disable the audio outputs. Most people don’t use screens with integrated audio output but some may plug headsets into their screens via 3.5mm cables so may want it. But that’s an usual use case - most would plug into the PC itself.

    The starship/matisse HD audio is your audio jack on the front of the PC (often USB provided) - I’d keep that one available if you ever plug in your headphones. Personally I have my noise cancelling headphones plugged in via audio jack - you get perfect uninterrupted audio and longer between recharges as the headset doesn’t have to use Bluetooth. However may not be desirable if you’re using a mic on your gaming headset too.

    You then have your Bluetooth device itself which is the gaming headset.

    The other devices below that are your microphones. Again you will have multiple inputs which you can disable if you don’t use them.

    Just remember in the future if you ever want to plug in something that you’ve disabled these devices here.

  • BananaTrifleViolin@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlHow to distrohop!?
    2 months ago

    I use virtual machines and live usbs to try out distros when I’m thinking of a change. That gives you a chance to get a feel for the design philosophy of a distro and whether it works for you.

    As others have said, back up is really important. You can back up a lot of settings and preferences and bring them to a new distro. They’re stored in your home directory in folders like .config and .local.

    I keep a back up of my /home folder. I’m also a KDE main so use Konsave to specifically back up my KDE theme and settings.

    If you are at the point of moving then that’s the time to make backups ready to restore. Also get a list together of the apps you want to keep so you can get set up quickly in a new distro.

    Also another habit to get in to is backing up any major config changes into your Home folder for later reference. Even if you don’t use the exact same file it can be useful to have somewhere that reminds you what you tweaked or did to get the system how you wanted it. For example I keep copies of my fstab file (just for reference!), and config files for programs I put in /opt amongst other tweaks I’ve made.

    I also save Web pages which have specific tips I used in Linux configs - really helpful if you ever need to go back and do something again. I write txt files on some complex or niche things to remind me exactly what I did as you’re unlikely to remember things you’ve only done once. These are two habits it’s worth getting into - saves so much time hunting for how to do things when you need to, even if you’re not moving distros.

    All these things together make switching distros much easier should you want to do it.