Isn’t it more because google ignored court orders to disable a piracy app on the play store?
Unfortunately alive. USAmerican, gay
Isn’t it more because google ignored court orders to disable a piracy app on the play store?
OT but what VPN do you recommend? I hear a lot of back and forth about which ones are trustworthy.
Shoplifting from Walmart hurts my knees because the boss won’t believe that our onhand numbers are wrong and makes me check high and low before I can nil pick it 🥲
This isn’t an ethical argument against shoplifting btw, this is an ethical argument in favor of nuking Walmart
OK lol maybe urgent is the wrong word. “Important” or “time-sensitive”, ig. Not something I’m cool with just closing the window and forgetting about.
Also I forgot this isn’t normal but I somehow fucked my phone up so bad when installing AdAway that I get an error when I try to disable it. That’s probably important context.
Thanks for the tip! That’s definitely a better option as I do kinda feel I’m taking advantage of the archive service sometimes.
Big sites have caught onto this unfortunately, but sometimes switching to reader mode is a quick bypass. Putting the link in archive.is usually works, that’s what I do if it’s urgent local news (eg when my state is flooded or frozen or perhaps on fire)
Y’all ain’t wrong, but I’m more curious about Germany. Is it much of a thing there? I tried googling and only found this incident.
Huh, my brain somehow added a “not” to that first sentence or something. My mistake.