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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Hemingways_Shotgun@lemmy.catoLinux@lemmy.mlImmutable Distro Opinions
    2 months ago

    Not when every app decides to use a different point version of the same damn platform.

    "Hello Mr. Application. I see you’d like to use the Freedesktop-SDK 23.08.27

    “Oh…well hello other application. What’s this? You want to use Freedesktop-SDK 24.08.10? Well…I guess so…”

    Edited to add: Yes, I know that flatpaks will upgrade to use updated platforms. But it doesn’t automatically remove the old one, forcing you to have to run flatpak remove --unused every week just to keep your drive clean. That’s hardly user friendly for the average person.

  • Lato, League Spartan, League Gothic are my three most used fonts by a wide margin. Lato and its variety of weights for most things, League when I am doing design work and need a cleaner title or header.

    Lately ive been weirdly taken with TT2020 Style G, which is an odd name for a no-name font that replicates an old imperfect typewriter. For whatever reason, switching my writing software to that (Manuscript) suddenly fired up my writing flow.

  • neither GIMP nor Krita is really capable of acting as a replacement for Photoshop yet

    I would agree with that. But in all of their defence I’d add that they’re not trying to be. They are their own pieces of kit with their own roadmaps and goals.

    The biggest frustration people from Photoshop have is that the expect Gimp or Krita to be a clone of Photoshop with feature to feature parity, and that’s never been the goal of either program.

    Photoshop has spent decades basically merging the features of most of their products, so that it’s now basically a photo editor with features of Illustrator and a suite of advanced drawing tools. The only replacement for that would be a hypothetical program that combines Gimp, Krita & Inkscape. But that’s never been the goal of any of those programs. They’re separate kit and as far as I’m aware always will be.

  • Inkscape: Completely capable. I know many people who have used it instead of illustrator professionally for years.

    GIMP: Depends on you. As someone who learned GIMP long before ever learning Photoshop, I find Photoshop unintuitive and frankly stupid. So it’s all about what you learned on. But GIMP relies on spending a few minutes setting it up for your own use case. Literally every window can be moved to anywhere. You can have whatever windows you want open all the time, or hidden behind right clicks, etc… Your tabs and tab groups are completely customizable to how you want to work. BUT the rub is that you have to be interested in doing that. GIMP is trashed for having a bad default UI because the expectation is that it doesn’t have a default UI. My GIMP would look entirely different from someone elses because I use different tools that I want front and centre than someone else might. If you’re not interested in that and just want something that you can learn a “default” setup and go with it (and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that) than you’re better off sticking with Photoshop.

    As for Krita, whatever else people are telling you, Krita is NOT a replacement for GIMP if you’re doing design work. What it brings to the table in terms of having built in Vector capabilities it negates by having a very limited and basic suite of selection tools. Something that would take you two seconds in PS or Gimp to band select, paint the foreground, feather the selection, shrink it, etc… takes five extra steps in Krita because Krita is a drawing program not a graphic design program; what few “advanced” selection tools they’ve introduced is tacked on and hidden between three or four extra steps because it just wasn’t designed to have them at first and they were added later.

    Just because it looks nicer out of the box than Gimp, doesn’t make it better. I’ve tried replacing Gimp with Krita because i like the KDE suite of apps in general. But I was pulling my hair out trying to do even a basic composition using it’s archaic selection tools.

  • Didn’t say anything about auto-updating. Just can’t be bleeding edge and use proprietary drivers, that’s all. Other (AMD) use the open source drivers, so they don’t have that issue. And that’s great. But if you use the NVIDIA propietary drivers, you can’t race ahead of them.

    That doesn’t make the drivers bad; they work perfectly fine; and have far far far better performance than AMD. There’s just the trade-off that you can’t be bleeding edge when using them.

    You take the good you take the bad you take them both and there you have…the facts of life.

    You’re argument that drivers are bad because you can’t fuck around with your system without them breaking is disingenuous. If you buy a brand new Wacom tablet, and it turns out that it’s too new and the Kernel doesn’t support it yet, or no one has written a patch to get it working, you don’t claim that Wacom is a shit company. It’s just a fact of life that you have to wait for either the kernel to update or for someone to get a patch working.

    But when it comes to NVIDIA…holy shit… WORST, period, COMPANY, period, EVER!!! And that’s just hypocritical.

  • Hemingways_Shotgun@lemmy.catoLinux@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    5 months ago

    Not an assumption.

    I freely admit that it’s an anecdotal fallacy in that it’s based entirely on my own experience and may or may not reflect the larger reality. But it would only be an assumption if it’s something that I was just guessing was true, whereas I’ve been around the Linux world long enough to see it first hand.

  • Hemingways_Shotgun@lemmy.catoLinux@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    5 months ago

    Keeps jumping to the latest kernel instead of the latest stable release.

    Blames nvidia for not keeping up…

    I’ve been on Manjaro for years and have literally NEVER had your issue. Why, because I don’t just automatically change to the latest kernel and then wonder why shit doesn’t work.

    After an update, it’ll tell me if a newer kernel is available, I’ll look at it and if its a new stable release I’ll change to it with no issue because an NVIDIA update was likely included with that update.

    Stop forcing early adoption on your computer and then blaming others when it fucks up your shit.

  • This software is extensively free (as in beer)

    No…it’s not. It’s free to download and to use, but the expectation that people contribute in exchange for using it is how FOSS has always worked.

    That doesn’t necessarily mean monetary. But contributing can be helping with user guides, or making youtube tutorials, or even just extending the reach of the program to friends and family by talking about it.

    There are many ways to contribute, and money is one. But the notion that Open Source software is “free as in beer” has never been correct. Users have an expectation to contribute…period.