If you are sailing the seven seas, you should be using a vpn of any kind by default, so this won’t do shit to you anyway.
Italy thinks their crappy piracy shield works and it does jack to anyone using even the cheapest vpn.
I am not a velociraptor
If you are sailing the seven seas, you should be using a vpn of any kind by default, so this won’t do shit to you anyway.
Italy thinks their crappy piracy shield works and it does jack to anyone using even the cheapest vpn.
Don’t quote me on this but I think the problem is the game tries to load EVERYTHING on the map, even if it’s not visible. So if your island has decorations and trees in a decent amount, frame rate will suffer a lot, and load times will increase absurdly.
AC runs poorly even on switch. As soon as your island gets some decorations or becomes complex, you’ll see tons of dips in performance and how the console struggles hard to run it. Not surprised the deck struggles too, the game itself is poorly optimized
Fitgirl is one of the best repackers out there, I have never found a compromised torrent coming from her. Dodi is too a very good and equally safe one. I’d say you can trust any torrent coming from their sites without any worry.
Block third party scripts and third party frames.
Works wonders every time.
Oh well, I’ll keep “borrowing” my ebooks from other librarieZ.