Read the post above mine… “Privacy respecting options” are almost always downstream forks of firefox. Abandon/kill the source, and downstream dries up
Read the post above mine… “Privacy respecting options” are almost always downstream forks of firefox. Abandon/kill the source, and downstream dries up
This needs to be higher up. We need firefox as an alternative to a chrome engine monopoly. ToS and telemetry are miniscule issues compared to what we are up against
Firefox is literally the last thing standing between google controlling the entire browser landscape and having control over all web standards (as if they dont already have too much influence)
People ditching firefox over tos, telemetry, AI, CEO pay, etc. are cutting off their nose to spite their face. Do i wish mozilla would stop doing stupid shit? Of course. But the alternative is far worse. Dont let perfect be the enemy of good. Mozilla will never be as ideologically pure as we want them to be, but that’s OK (for now)
I’ve been using NC since single digit version numbers
The performance increase on v30 is VERY noticeable, especially loading photos.
There are millions of people out there who do 99% of their stuff in browser, and never need the newest shiniest features for graphics, or gaming or whatever. Plasma 5.27 works great for years. People only get fomo if they follow this stuff constantly. And most people dont. Lemmy/linux is a very niche gathering of nerds
To say that debian is not a good daily driver for most people, i still disagree for the above reasons
I’m not a professional or anything, but i get my basic photo and video editing just fine on debian.
For example, i used to chase all the latest and greatest digikam versions because “ooooh! New features!!”… In hindsight, there was nothing really that groundbreaking each update, and i just go back to using the core features that have been stable for years.
but I wouldn’t recommend it on a computer you’re actively using
Debian is my daily driver on all my computers. Servers, desktop, laptop. Its called the universal operating system for a reason
Packages are regularly updated with bug fixes for security issues. Do you absolutely need the latest features for every software? Debian is fine unless theres some killer new feature you absolutely need.
Hardware support is mostly fine unless you have the absolute latest hardware (which OP doesnt). And backport kernels should take care of newer hardware
You want stable and no snaps.
It’s Luigi time!
Docker doesnt replace your current system. It just runs containers (which act like a separate system)
You can also try podman which wont silently rewrite your firewall rules without telling you… I’ll never forgive docker for doing that
All my important files are on a NAS, so if someone steals my laptop, there’s nothing of value there without being able to log in and mount the remote file systems
if you are on debian stable, there would not be updates to 300 packages (unless there were 300 packages with some security issue that needed a fix)
if you then decide to upgrade to the next version of debian, THEN you would have hundreds of packages to update
Pretty normal if you’ve never used debian.
Debian is the cure to distro hopping
Omg… I have the EXACT same goal. Qnap and make a better offsite backup process… Been procrastinating for years now
I’m thinking a diy NAS running openmediavault.
Currently doing encrypted backups to google storage archive tier. Very cheap to store, expensive to retrieve.
Thinking maybe i can set up a small box at a family members house for nightly backups
Debian all day…
All these shiny new distros promising to make things easier and better… But nothing is easier and better than 30 years of rock solid stability and support.
Depending on how new the laptop is, it might not work on debian stable. Check your compatibility
From personal experience with a new laptop, the intel meteor lake platform didnt work well with debian stable
Geez, that still exists too??? Is sharebear still around? Limewire? Kazaa???
awesome! i’ll check this out!
sorry for the n00b question, but why do i need to self host a persistent daemon and then connect to it using a webUI? can’t i just use a soulseek client on my local machine? i’m not really familiar with the architecture of soulseek.
Is there any good content on soulseek? The last time i downloaded music from that era, it was all 96kbps realplayer audio files totally mislabelled with the wrong artist
One of the developers got sick of the UX issues and forked DT.
I only use this stuff occasionally. Is there really a big improvement in ansel over darktable? Or is the ansel dev just super angry for no reason?
apropos - command to list relevant commands tldr [command] - shows the most commonly used flags/options for that program
apropos comes installed by default (on debian at least), tldr needs to be installed with your package manager
As someone who cannot even remember tar flags (inser xkcd here), tldr is very helpful
Your 45 mins becomes 5 mins now. Hope that helps
I think the problem is that a lot of people are just running flatpaks, dockers, and third party repos which might not be getting timely updates.
I try to stick to debian packages for everything as much as possible for this reason.