Ahoy my fellow pirates. Is there any site like Kemono for DeviantArt Premium Galleries? I found this one creator on the platform but all his good stuff is behind a 10$ (!) paywall for every “Gallery” of his. Bad is that they aren’t only images but videos that I need, so there is that. Does anyone here know of some site of this kind?

P.S. The author also doesn’t have a patreon or anything like that. He only posts to DA.

Edit: He also locks 95% of his stuff behind a 20$ (!) subscription on top of these galleries. You can’t even access the old premium galleries if you buy the sub.

  • N0x0n@lemmy.ml
    1 month ago

    A few years back there was some kind of url trick where you could directly download every file with some string manipulation… But that doesn’t work anymore and there isn’t any new hack/workaround to bypass paywalled files.

    My guess would be that there isn’t any kind of “hack” floating arround anymore, cause it involves the site’s security measure and would leave a very bad image of DeviantArt if the creators only way to market their art has some loophole to get freestuff.

    Your best chance is either someone who paid/share the stuff you’re a looking for or someone who has the technical skills to do what you’re looking for without leaving a trace.