Arrr mateys, how goes the plundering?
If any of ye salty sea dogs has a hankering to create some fresh images for the c/Piracy Wiki Community Edition, we’d all be much obliged to ye.
Cast ye eyeballs on the example banner image below (660 x 200), but mind ye that it doesn’t have to be that exact size, just something that’ll fit nicely in the wiki (more detail on that below).

The links below be a treasure trove of direct links to each of the wiki pages. To be sure, we’ll be wanting a unique image for each of the pages, 18 in all! That’s a lot of art, so it’s fine if you only want to submit a few - but be ye sure to clearly mark which page each image is intended for. I’ve gone and numbered them for convenience.
Ye may be wanting to use the example image as inspiration, or go your own way with a completely different art style - that’s completely up to your own creativity, me hearties. If ye want to include a pithy tagline to go with each image then all the better, but it’s not a requirement.
Contest rules:
- Ye can enter as an individual or as a group of people.
- Enter as many times as you like.
- The booty is getting your banner images included on the wiki pages, including a credit for your hard work. No share of gold doubloons will be awarded, alas.
- The competition will be open for ~2 weeks, starting today, all submission to be received by end of Sunday, November 10th (UTC+0 Zone).
- AI generated art is allowed, but entirely optional.
- Please don’t use any copyrighted material outside of fair use (I know, the irony!) just so that scumbag lawyers can’t DMCA us.
- To submit your artwork, post ye images in the comments below for now, so the community can vote / comment on their favourites.
- All submissions should be a maximum of 1110 pixels wide by 250 pixels. Please keep a copy of the original art since uploaded images may get heavily compressed by our image storage.
- If you don’t want to commit to producing an entire set of 18 images, then that’s totally understandable - it’s fine to submit as many or as few as ye like.
- Depending on the number and quality of submissions, we may end up choosing images from a variety of artists, or all of them from the same artist if there is a complete set. Or we may decide to rotate images periodically if we get a large number of submissions. That’s a lot of words to say that I’m not sure yet what we’ll get and how we’ll choose the winners. But it’ll definitely be based on community feedback, so feel free to comment below if you have any good ideas.
Lastly, I’d like to acknowledge all the kind and knowledgeable folks who have contributed to the Megathread over the years. This new community edition is a bit of an experiment to see whether we are able to keep everything up-to-date as a community, without a lot of gatekeeping. So making the wiki our own with community sourced images is just one fun part of that adventure.
If anything important needs to be added that I forgot in the above, I’ll edit this post and add it below:
That’s not how copyrights work.