DigitalCore is a general tracker with decent amount of torrents. It has 1,422,961 torrents with 203,212 active torrents.

It has a good flow of scene and p2p releases. This tracker offers 7 days of free leech upon signup, otherwise they do offer a 24h free leech for every torrent that is uploaded. They also have a nice leech bonus system. Share 1tb data (and keep sharing) and get sitewide free leech.


  • Registered users 12,628
  • Torrents 1,422,961
  • Active Torrents 203,212
  • New Torrents Today 919
  • Peers 337,633
  • Peers record 433,128
  • Seeders 363,033
  • Leechers 5,294
  • Requests filled 2,255
  • Total requests 2,318
  • Active users in the past 15 min 132
  • Active users in the past day 1376
  • Online IRC Users 205
  • Online IRC announce channel users 529
    2 months ago

    It’s alright. Not anywhere near as nice as say TL in retention and breadth/amount of content available but they have a fair amount of zero-day scene RARed stuff as well as some non-RARed stuff. Not as much free leech as many other trackers either, if you sign up I strongly recommend trying to grab stuff while you have sitewide to build a buffer.

    Oh and they do have pretty regular problems keeping the site up. People regularly get API request failures and the website can be unreachable for hours or more. Not a bad tracker but I wouldn’t suggest using it as your only resource unless your needs are very specific such as only wanting day-one scene access.