As per the title, I have a newcomer into linux that handed me a laptop to install with a recommended distro.

Being a user very much used to windows, I opted to install Lnx Mint, considering this person may also want to game a little bit in the future.

Install went flawlessly but the screen resolution is so high the fonts and desktop icons were so small it made difficult to read the icons text.

I tried to tweak the icons and fonts to usuable size but the overall feel of the desktop is still… stretched, for lack of a better word.

The laptop is a mistery brand, running a full Intel machine. And I say mistery because when I took a look into windows, the touchpad was identified as a Lenovo, but the machine is just an unbranded generic one.

Hardware profile

  • Intel Core i3-500SU
  • 8GB RAM
  • Intel HD Graphics 5500 (BDW GT2), 1920x1080 max resolution, on 14.2 inch screen

Any suggestions on how to solve the issue?


The solution was a mix between changing desktop environment (Mate => Cinnamon) and adjusting the font size and scaling factor.

As always, Linux rules and the community behind it is made up of bosses!

    3 months ago

    Without knowing what you have tried already:

    • Have you tried changing User Interface scale to 200%, in System Settings->Display?
    • You may also change font size in System Settings->Font Selection