i’m sorry if this isn’t linux related but recently i’ve been struggling with some stuff, so i usually talk to my friends on matrix (used to actually!!), i decided to leave matrix and talk to them on email (because email always works and is a much calmer version of instant messenger i think so). but now i think i would like to go back to matrix, i can only choose one, sorry, please tell me which one… oh and i’d be using nheko of course because my debian-based xfce distro runs kind of slowly on my 2006 toshiba

  • GustavoM@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I will be “that guy” and suggest you to watch a few linux-related videos before choosing. i.e go to youtube and search for “what is the best linux distro for beginners”, “how to install on (distro name goes here)”, “how to configure (audio, video, etc) on (distro name goes here)”, etc. Write em down, install the distro you wanna check, get used to those methods until they are stuck on your forehead. If you lose interest, go back to 1- and choose another distro.