It would have been nice if they came up with something shorter like .lan.
Oh, that’s LAN - I thought you’d put ian and I was trying to get the joke. Stupid sans-serif fonts.
Use it anyway.
You go to networking jail for that.
Shit, let’s hope the ICANN cops don’t find me out then… I’ve been using it for years!
“I hereby sentence you to two years on your own VLAN with no gateway”
“Please Mr. Router, mercy!”
iptables -I APPEALS -j DROP
Fuck, I’ve been using .hole, is that also illegal?
It should be reserved for sex toys.
Just saying.
Browsers barf at non https now. What are we supposed to do about certificates?
Why do I care what ICANN says I can do on my own network? It’s my network, I do what I want.
Try using .com for your internal network and watch the problems arise. Their choice to reserve .internal helps people avoid fqdn collisions.
Sorry. I chose .local and I’m sticking to it.
I switched from .local to .honk and I’m never looking back.
Fucking GENIUS.
I don’t get it.
I still haven’t heard a convincing argument to not use .local and I see no reason to stop.
Mainly conflicts with mDNS. However it’s shitty IMHO that the mDNS spec snarfed a domain already in widespread use, should have used .mDNS or similar.