With good content? That’s a hard find :)
Plenty without NSFW though
I frequent https://v.basspistol.org/ but they’re mostly music
do keep in mind you can also use their filters
like these on https://vid.freedif.org/
With good content? That’s a hard find :)
Plenty without NSFW though
I frequent https://v.basspistol.org/ but they’re mostly music
do keep in mind you can also use their filters
like these on https://vid.freedif.org/
Discovery is a major hurdle. There are plenty of instances that don’t have NSFW you should poke around to find something suitable.
Mainly storage. The only reason these free hosted sites can stand up is because they have low traffic. If 0.01% of YouTubers started dumping all their video over there, they’d quickly run the free services out of town.
Realistically, If it were easy enough for everyone to host locally (torrent style) and people paired up with hosting partners for backups, peertube could be an amazing Youtube alternative.
Paying for bandwidth and cloud storage rates for video hosting is pretty much worst case. I’d argue that if you were going to self host anything video would be the most important
Peertube is f****** amazing, But your average windows user isn’t going to be able to manage the hosting. And your average ISP blocks standard hosting ports. Then it also requires the users to manage their own monetization.
It’s not undoable but it is kind of a steep slope.
For years they’ve managed to keep their indexing (think html, not torrent) online by separating out the indexing from the actual storage. They’ve only changed URLs once in recent memory. Throughout the years they’ve stored content in various places. Protected safe havens, compromised websites, and ipfs.
There are still a lot of places in the world where hosting a link to data is not illegal.
Well through whatever methods required it looks like the publishers finally managed to shut down the search/hosting on wherever .is was pointing to.
There is a static IPFS index laying around somewhere so technically the content’s still quite available. Along with Torrents.
Well they finally managed to bring it back up somewhere and I don’t even care to go and figure out where that is. Just glad they’re still around.
Inside the nominal return period for a device absolutely.
If it’s a warranty repair I’ll wait for an actual trend, maybe run a burn-in on it and force its hand.
They’re red flag, but even if their stayed purpose is correct at the moment, it sets the stage. All it takes now is a want to sell the data and there’s nothing to slow them down or tell us. Nothing to make them keep the setting to not share telemetry. A little baked in ai, some hooks to monitor …
Jumping ship to a fork is our only recourse. It’s that or ride it out and see if the gun is loaded.
Quite a few model years of Synology were stricken with a network transceiver issue where they would just stop talking randomly.
I have two WD-EX4’s and the six bay Synology, and none of them have the kind of uptime I get out of my unraid.
If you want something rock solid I would probably scratch build a box with truenas
The opposite of self-hosted would be managed service.
You run it yourself at your own location however you want it
Someone runs it for you at their location. However the want it
VPS is someone loans you a VM at their location that you run yourself however you want to.
It’s still relevant to self-hosted because you still have to do all the work, you were just using their network, power, air conditioning, hardware and fire suppression. You’re still in the hook for installs and patches, configuration, and software issues.
By it’s not too difficult, are you actually expecting average users to run certbot cli?
We need to get out of the mindset of jellyfin being self hosted and into the same mindset Plex has of you’re just running it.
Hosting is one of my professional duties so I don’t have problems doing all this. But any idiot can install PMS and have secure shared communication with their friends and family. And we need those idiots.
Jellyfin needs the ability to request certificates and install them without any serious user intervention beyond the initial setup, maybe just an email address. And none of this should require users to touch CLI. This probably needs to be dynamic DNS, maybe we also partner with duck DNS. Right in the GUI make an account, store off the URL in the configs.
I’m presuming this means a le API that will not change from the let’s encrypt side, or advanced clear notice when things are going to change, with opportunities to delay if possible and necessary. That’s where your actual partnership comes in.
We need that thing that Plex has that shows you that your server is remotely accessible from inside the admin. This will help the uninitiated set up a port forwarding and test it.
Once the server is set up and working we don’t need centralized login but we need something. Start with the main settings page, where you drop down in your account on the admin We need an invite users option. It just takes you to users add.
Users add needs to have email or slack or something so that when you add the user it can notify them that they’ve been added and send them a link back to your server. It could be a mailto:// or maybe just a page saying here’s the link to share with your family.
That link would contain the dynamic DNS previously set up and whatever port you’re able to use.
It’s just a handful of creature comforts that plex does particularly well that is barely touched on the jellyfin side. But there’s some of the most important comforts.
Now if they could just tidy up remote access so that everyone is comfortable being able to use it.
They really need to partner with let’s encrypt. If they implemented automated SSL generation and regeneration in the app and a dynamic DNS/Port registry, they would get mountains of new users.
Just tidying up remote access would probably be enough to sync Plex.
They share some inspiration. Same with Linux/Unix confusion.
About 15 minutes in a terminal trying to do Linux’y things are you get completely disillusioned.
Ahhh give him a break he probably just forgot. If it helps, I’m sure he was thinking something horrible about somebody reasonably nice. /s
There’s more than one style of tar pit. In this case you obviously wouldn’t want to use an endless maze style.
What you want to do in this case is send them through an HA proxy that would redirect them on user agent, whenever they come in as Claude you send them over to a box running on a Wanem process at modem speeds.
They’ll immediately realize they’ve got a hug of death going on and give up.
Tailscale has a generous free account and runs on windows, mac, IOS, android, apple TV, firestick, and shield. You just set it up on your media server and every client, and just use to 100. address for your server in each client.
If you need Roku,LG,Samsung, it’s no longer fun. The tailnet can be forwarded from a routed device on the network, but that’s deep in the weeds for random people.
You could install HAProxy and run let’s encrypt, forwarding your JF to an external port (ISPs usually block 443, but it’s not hard to tell the client what port you need. Then your users can just specify your home IP and a specific port.
Or you could forgo the SSL and just open JF up on a high port. Maybe fail2ban on logins. it’s REALLY not ‘good’ at remote access :)
Neat, I just figured Roku clients were just going to get just enough attention to work.
I run everything parallel and have the same shares. Unless I set up the video, the wife and kids always go back to Plex.
I get it, But at the same time, Samsung is trying to sell what I’m watching, plex is trying to sell what I’m watching, roku is trying to sell what I’m watching. I just want to watch some damn videos without being someone else’s payday.
Should be able to * on a “watching” item and remove from from front page watching, you have to go all the way to it’s location in the share, find the move/episode and unset it from the sub,submenu. Should be able to see the file names and location of the items on the front page through submenus. None of the items on the front page can have their options viewed, they all just play on click.
I miss plex opensubtitles integration
Unable to unset watched/watching from any grid, it’s one item at a time.
Lack of Playlists.
No listing anywhere for filename or bitrate. Would love to see deeper info about the codec for a file hidden away on a submenu.
(which complicates:) If you have two copies of the same thing with different versions, you can’t tell which is which. (which complicates:) If you have a bad meta match on something, it’s REALLY hard to even tell what it really is. I really miss Plex: Play Version.
Usecase, I have futurama in both widebox and 4:3, they all just show up twice. In plex they all show up once with a 2 in the corner letting you know there are multiple versions. you can then context->playversion->4.3mbps
No folder view for unmatched content. When I was putting 1963 Doctor Who up, I could hardly tell what was what without having the meta 100% sorted. In Plex I could just hit folder view and navigate.
They don’t, but how long do you think a free instance is going to last when it starts seeing serious volume. Video storage in the cloud is expensive AF.