James Lee endorsing Linux is fucking good shit man solid W year of the linux desktop moment
James Lee endorsing Linux is fucking good shit man solid W year of the linux desktop moment
one of my favorite linux youtubers is named vimjoyer so maybe one day I will try to learn it
One of the big reasons I switched to nixos is that I mostly need to use the console only for updating my system by editing the configuration file using nano. I do very little besides that thankfully while the GUI side of linux gets better everyday.
Cant remember exactly but it had something to do with a file relating to sudo and it only was allowed to be edited with a vim style editor.
nano was and still is vital to me learning and using linux, I will not learn how to use vim so if the distro forces it to be default im not using it.
Why is editing text so convoluted for seemingly no reason… also hate that vim must be used for certain files.
what a dogshit boomer humor type lemmy community lmao
KDE - Its got people behind it who actually give a flying fuck about their end users.
I really love NixOS and use it on all my devices. Its not as difficult as people say and it really makes the linux experience a piece of cake once you get it down.
The single config file to control almost everything is just what I was looking for in linux and the fact that it solved any kind of dependency hell I have experienced in the past is huge. If I had to list a top 3 it would be NixOS, Fedora, and Arch.
As far as I was aware AMDGPU is used by default on most if not all distros so I still think its a bit confusing to decide which to use for your needs at first unless you check the video I linked. I noticed a performance increase after forcing RADV on NixOS so not really sure.
Sidenote why cant AMDGPU and RADV combine their efforts to simplify and rename AMDGPU-PRO to AMDGPU-unfree because that itself is confusing since most people will be drawn to use the PRO version without realising the worse performance.
Most people will tell you there is no difference between AMDVLK drivers and RADV but clearly there is since RADV is what Valve uses for the Steam Deck. Heres a great video comparing the three options AMD has for linux.
I personally chose RADV after looking into this myself and the only drawback from my understanding is that they are proprietary drivers. Do not use AMDGPU-PRO ever though.
This is cool but I like OpenRGB better since it includes more than just specifically razer products
I cant seem to use it without signing in which sucks, might consider just submitting to youtube soon anyway since no good competitor is being made. Too big to fail and all that.
I tried that and it wasnt good. Though I was on windows at the time. So Waydroid is a godsend, its pushy with the licensing which was annoying to deal with.
I love the vimix cursors
Oh hell yeah this will save us AMD users so much headache, I really dont understand why it was taken down recently.
From what I understood it was AMD having a problem with ZLUDA but now suddenly its okay again? Whatever as long as ROCM is improved or benefitted by this im happy.
ugly and bulky, when linux is on a form factor like the new razr or samsung z flip phones then Ill care